Many times in our lives we hear the text "I'm in a bad mood, I have to eat something sweet to improve my mood"
In that case, should everyone who is exposed to frequent stress constantly eat? The answer seems trivial - NO!
In that case, let's look at the topic of diet a little differently than before. Diet is not only an aesthetic issue, I also recommend getting out of the stereotypes that you have to be full and full. Our daily diet and attitude to products that we put into the basket is of great importance for our longevity, comfort and joy of life.
Did you know that an optimal diet slows down the aging process by about 30% -40%, that we are able to cure all ailments as well as seemingly "incurable" diseases with the help of a diet! Well, the most :)
Following a few basic rules for a balanced diet will allow you to enjoy great physical and mental health.
1. The products we eat must be of good quality (organic stores and farms)
2. The basis of our meals should be: vegetables, fruits, seeds, nuts and algae.
3. Food through heat treatment loses its valuable properties. If possible, eat as much raw food as possible.
4. Fasting is very healthy, but not only from the holiday :)
5. Water - filtered, stored in glass vessels - this is very important!
Avoiding a certain group of products will cause you to gain incredible energy, and getting up from bed in the morning will be more pleasant than before. Nothing so silences us as sugar, which is ubiquitous in the products we consume. If there is only one row with the word "healthy food" in the store amongst many shelves with food, what then is on the rest of the store shelves?
You need to think deeply about it and limit the consumption of such "junk food" as much as possible. Someone will tell me many times ... "Well, when I'm traveling, only gas stations are open where the famous hotdogs are known :) Well, that is also the answer, at the moment we have snacks from raw vegetables and fruit, freshly squeezed juice or smoothie, and for the hunger hungry dark bread sandwich with a portion of fresh vegetables and possibly meat :)
Let's remember that there is always a healthier alternative than reaching for highly processed products, but about this and many other interesting issues in the subject of nutrition in subsequent entries.
Greetings, Olivia :)