Stimulants | Best pre-workout exercises - - FiT Muscle PL


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Strongly stimulating formulas are dedicated to athletes who expect maximum energy during training. Supplements of this type in their composition have large amounts of caffeine, which significantly increases energy and concentration. They also contain a number of vitamins and amino acids that delay fatigue. However, when choosing such a supplement, one should take into account the state of health because it significantly increases the pressure, as well as the time of consumption to be able to fall asleep peacefully.


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    25,00 zł In Stock

    Scitec Nutrition Caffeine is an excellent form of caffeine that will provide your body with quick stimulation and stimulation in any situation. Caffeine effectively stimulates our central nervous system, increasing our alertness, improving concentration and increasing metabolism.

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    35,00 zł In Stock

    Guarana is a natural, herbal source of caffeine and other phytochemicals. These seeds contain about twice the concentration of caffeine found in coffee beans. Guarana contains various xanthine alkaloids mixtures other than caffeine and theophylline. Theobromine and other substances, such as polyphenols, traditionally used as refreshing.

    35,00 zł
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    119,00 zł Out of stock

    Amino Charge od Scitec Nutrition to jedno z najskuteczniejszych zabezpieczeń mięśni przed katabolizmem. Stworzony w oparciu o każdy, nawet najmniejszy szczegół przyspiesza czas ich regeneracji, a także symuluje budowę czystej, beztłuszczowej masy mięśniowej. W środku – poza rozgałęzionymi aminokwasami BCAA – znajdziemy również L-cytrulinę oraz kofeinę.

    119,00 zł
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    29,90 zł Out of stock

    Zioła na koncentrację is a unique composition of hemp and guarana, which improves focus and concentration. Hemp (Cannabis sativa) undergoes a special decarboxylation procedure in the production process, which converts cannabinoids into their active forms.

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    20,00 zł Out of stock

    Diet supplement Trec Caffeine 200 Max delays the feeling of fatigue and rapidly stimulates your body. Increases energy and endurance, motivating you to further training. And all this thanks to one serving!

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    22,90 zł Out of stock

    Guarana pomaga utrzymać witalność fizyczną i psychiczną organizmu. Dzienna dawka kofeiny w jednej kapsułce.

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    59,90 zł Out of stock

    This is a new generation supplement containing only patented active ingredients from European manufacturers. The composition includes a full cross-section of B vitamins necessary to maintain the proper functioning of the whole body.

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    49,90 zł Out of stock

    BeOrganic Guarana BIO is perfect as a means of improving immunity, eliminating headache and migraine, and allows you to lose weight. In the latter case, the caffeine contained in it plays a huge role, which accelerates the processes of fat burning in the body.

    49,90 zł
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    119,00 zł Out of stock

    Amino Charge od Scitec Nutrition to jedno z najskuteczniejszych zabezpieczeń mięśni przed katabolizmem. Stworzony w oparciu o każdy, nawet najmniejszy szczegół przyspiesza czas ich regeneracji, a także symuluje budowę czystej, beztłuszczowej masy mięśniowej. W środku – poza rozgałęzionymi aminokwasami BCAA – znajdziemy również L-cytrulinę oraz kofeinę.

    119,00 zł
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    Scitec Nutrition Electric Aminos to niewiarygodny suplement łączący w sobie wszystkie zalety aminokwasów BCAA z porządnym kopem treningowym kofeiny zespolonej z glutaminą. Preparat wzbogacony został l-cytruliną, która wznosi wydolność treningową na szczyty.

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    Iron Horse Red Energy Adrenaline is an advanced supplement that combines a mind booster with ingredients that increase physical condition. This set of proven ingredients provides excellent support for athletes by increasing physical and mental condition. The supplement perfectly supports memory, facilitates concentration and increases training motivation.

    59,00 zł
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Showing 1 - 11 of 11 items