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BCAA Amino acids
Amino acids branched differently exogenous, are such amino acids that we have to provide externally, e.g. with food or supplementation. Amino acids are components of proteins, and protein is nothing but peptide long polypeptide chains connected with each other. The protein's properties are influenced, inter alia, by the order of amino acids in the chain. What distinguishes from each other and gives individual properties to each of the amino acids is the side chain attached to the skeleton.
As BCAA amino acids we distinguish those in which the attached chain is additionally branched. These are the three amino acids L-Leucine, L-Isoleucine and L-Valine. When choosing BCAA amino acids, attention should be paid to the content of amino acids in the product portion, the content of other active ingredients, solubility, taste and harvesting technology. An important element is the proportion, the most popular is the 2: 1: 1 form with the Leucine advantage, because it is considered the most important amino acid from the BCAA group.
Supplementation with amino acids from the BCAA group brings absolute benefits, among others: it accelerates post-exercise regeneration, protects our muscles against "burning". It is especially recommended for people who are in the process of reducing body fat, because it protects the muscles against flabbiness, works well in all endurance sports.
The best time for taking BCAA is before and during training, the optimal portion is 1g BCAA per 10kg of body weight, and after the workout is best to reach for a full meal.